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Why coworking in Grapevine beats working in a coffee shop.


There are better options for the remote worker than a busy, noisy coffee shop. You need a place where you can mingle if you want but also get stuff done. Here’s why you should ditch the coffee shop and set up at BOSS Office + Coworking in Grapevine.

1. Get Time On Your Side

Do you want to get a good seat at a coffee shop in the morning? You’ll need to arrive before the morning rush and hope that everyone else hasn’t had the same idea.

On the other hand, eventually that coffee shop is going to close, and when they do, you’ll have to leave. This means that if you’re a night owl, or just trying to finish an important project, you’ll be left without a space to work.

BOSS Coworking is open 24/7 for members, so whenever inspiration strikes, your coworking space will be open for you. Say goodbye to the pressure of trying to hurry and finish your work.

2. Quit Worrying About Your Equipment

Imagine you’re typing away on your laptop when, suddenly, nature calls. You’re faced with the difficult decision of leaving your stuff and hoping no one messes with it, or just waiting until you’re done for the day.

You could also pack up, but your table might not be available when you get back. It boils down to the fact that you can’t trust coffee shop patrons.

You won’t have to worry at BOSS.  You’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who are there for the same reasons you are. Plus, you won’t risk your seat if you get up for five minutes.

3. Be Kind To Your Waistline (and your wallet)

Most coffee shop patrons feel compelled to purchase something.  But once you’re done with your coffee, what now? While it’s true that in a coworking environment you may have to pay for a space, you’re not obligated to continually buy snacks and drinks throughout the day to keep your spot.

Coworking fees are flexible according to what you need, so you can drink your coffee without having to make it last all day.  Plus, BOSS Office + Coworking has a kitchen with complimentary espresso, coffee, and tea. It’s a win-win.

4. Show Your Clients You Mean Business

Have you ever tried to hold a meeting in a coffee shop?  It’s a great place to chat about your day, but definitely not a place to hash out the details of your latest project.

Whether you need to sit down with a partner, present to a group, or hold an event, BOSS Coworking has a space to suit your needs.  Make a good impression on your clients, and allow yourself to work in an environment that is created for business, not coffee.

5. Cut Out The Noise

Coffee shops are filled with distracting background noise. Customer conversations, store equipment, and today’s adult top 40 playing over the speakers can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to concentrate.  

Unfortunately, you don’t have a lot of recourse.  You can hardly ask the coffee shop to be less busy, or see if they’ll take orders more quietly. Moving to a coworking space gives you an environment where work is the priority, not turning tables.  

6. Get Wifi That Works (and won’t get you hacked!)

Working in a coffee shop can be a guessing game. Maybe the wifi will work today, maybe it won’t. Who knows? If your coffee shop is having an off day, you’re left with finding another shop or wasting time until it kicks back on.  If you’re a serious remote worker, you need something more reliable.

If that’s not enough, coffee shop wifi is considered some of the most dangerous and can leave you and your business vulnerable to attack.

You can get reliability and peace of mind in a coworking space. These spaces are cater to remote workers so you can always count on a safe, reliable wifi connection.

7. Always Get A Seat

There usually just aren’t that many seating options in a coffee shop. You run the risk of getting that one seat without a power outlet. Or you’re stuck sharing a tiny table with someone else.  You can’t exactly run cords across the room, and sometimes you need some room to spread out.

Coworking areas are set up with you in mind. With plenty of table and desk space, and tons of outlets, chairs for everyone, break rooms, and more, BOSS offers optimal physical surroundings so you can concentrate on work, not finding a plug.

8. Find A Work Environment That Wants You

Let’s face it – most coffee shops simply don’t want you lingering around for an entire day.  It’s bad for business to have you taking up a table all day long, especially if you’re not buying anything. Either you’ll be faced with having to buy something every couple of hours, or you may get asked to leave.

Don’t spend your day trying to keep the barista happy.  Coworking spaces are made for exactly that – working.

Ditch Working in a Coffee Shop

BOSS Office + Coworking was specifically created for workers like you.  No matter what weird hours you like to work, coworking spaces offer a supportive environment that can cater to your needs. Save your wallet and ditch the coffee shop.

Want to learn more about setting up in a coworking space? Contact us to see how it can benefit you.


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Tired of working in coffee shops or your house? Let us show you a better option that fits every budget! Connect with us to schedule your visit or request information today.